What if you had a "massive protest" and no one gives a damn? My take on the results of the Illinois Teabagging event and how its being played on the local news and media.
All the hype about FOX's so called tea party was all the talk on the 24-hour news and on the local channels. Surely this would be printed in today's papers or brace the front cover here at home in Chicago. So I wake up this morning and turn on CNN because I refuse to watch Morning Joe and then I noticed something, they didn't talk about the Tea Party. They talked about Obama's trip to Mexico, Legalizing Pot, And the return of the Maersk Alabama at Andrews AFB.
Surely I thought the talk of the day would be the "massive" US Teabagging event held all over the US. So I check my local TV Stations to see if they were talking about it. I checked NBC 5 morning news. Nope. They did mention it at the 5am segment but it was only 30 seconds. I also checked ABC 7, FOX 32, and CBS 2, and WGN. Zip! But...FOX CLAIMED THERE WAS GONNA BE A MASSIVE PROTEST!!! So on my way to work, I take the Metra to talk to my train buddies and I looked on the front covers of both the bankrupt Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune. Nope. Im sure it was mentioned but it probably got a small headline in the 2nd or 3rd page. You wanna know what was on the mind of every average Chicagoan? John Stroger's 25% tax decrease for Cook County, the Chicago Bulls, The Blackhawks playoffs, and the Sox and the Cubs losing both games yesterday.
It seems to me that this so called tea party was not on the mind of every citzen here in the great state of Illinois. Only 300 people showed up downtown. To us thats common and not worth major news time here. Bottom line, no one really cared about the tea party. Sure pundits will claim this will surely hurt Obama when a CNN poll came out that said 60 support his tax plan. But pundits have totally lost grip with reality and are still stuck in the vast beltway that is Washington.
So today is just another average day here in Chicago. The weather is gonna be nice. Perfect day for baseball. So tell me guys. How did your local media and newspapers cover the tea party aftermath? If it was anything like mines, then surely this was great news for Newt Gingrich!